Watching the determined progress of one such group, Jephtha collided with a small, primly dressed lady.
Laura was primly dressed in black jersey suit, long-sleeved, with a minimum of white trimmings at cuffs and collar.
William swivelled round, and there standing in front of him was a middle-aged woman, primly dressed, looking very irate.
"I was always curious," said the artist, dark-haired and primly dressed, as she sat beneath a large rubber tree in her studio.
How about that woman primly dressed in a below-the-knee navy blue skirt and a white blouse with sleeves?
Every other seat was occupied by a primly dressed elderly French woman carrying an empty duffel bag.
Then, choking up, he showed a prewar picture of three primly dressed sisters and a brother, all under 12 at the time.
A primly dressed woman steps in.
Ms. Sheely was the primly dressed belter of the group.
At once, a young woman, another rather exotically colored creature, lovely and as primly dressed as the others, came in to cover the mirrors.