It started normally, with a reducing atmosphere that slowly changed as life began to emerge from primordial seas.
They used the great beasts of the primordial sea for their own purposes, controlling fantastic monsters known to mankind only through legend.
Because the sky still lay on the primordial sea, it was black.
If anything, the hot primordial seas might have been dotted with volcanic isles and similar features.
But when they reared their colossal city, man's primal ancestors had not yet risen from the slime of the primordial seas.
He sat on top of a sensor housing and gazed in awe at the primordial sea of a primitive planet.
It was evening, with the sun al- most completely set, and the towers looked like strange, unnatural rock formations, jutting from a primordial sea.
Evolutionary Explosion All the major animal groups still on earth arose in an astonishingly short time from the primordial seas, scientists say.
One-celled life, striving fiercely upward in the primordial sea toward the light.
The bacteria fed initially on the various carbon compounds that had taken so many millions of years to accumulate in the primordial seas.