As the prince had commanded, each warrior was armored in a coat of mail and open helm, with steel greaves to guard the rider's lower legs.
Two other princes of the Blood commanded wings of that army.
Your prince commands you to.
The seventy princes each commanded a division, and each remained with his command, leaving only the dukes and the thrones to attend their lord, Satan Mekratrig.
A prince should command respect through his conduct, because a prince that is highly respected by his people is unlikely to face internal struggles.
"Pour Ser Duncan a cup of the sweet Dornish red, Aegon," the prince commanded.
"Stand up trollop," the prince commanded, his voice softening subconsciously as all thoughts of putting the young girl to the mill wheel faded.
"Come, come, De Guiche," resumed the chevalier, laughingly, "tell us your opinion frankly; the prince commands it."
Seeing the knight was adamant, the prince reluctantly agreed and commanded Halhuli to find a turban for Rognvald and exchange cloaks with him.
But now the prince, who saw the wild increase Of wounds, commands the combatants to cease, And bounds Entellus' wrath, and bids the peace.