For all the enthusiasm of the town, there is no guarantee that the prince will succeed in getting back his properties.
Half an hour later the prince had succeeded in controlling his anguish over his faith's future and had settled on a tentative strategy.
So that even if the prince did succeed in getting there, he could never understand what the owl said.
The prince succeeds, but only after Eisenheim lifts the spell.
More consequential, however, was the argument about whether a prince should be elected or succeed dynastically.
Only one prince could succeed his father to the throne.
However, inwardly, the harlot wants that the prince should succeed and not succumb to her.
The prince succeeded in the settlement of the conflicts with his subjects within a few short weeks.
The third time, the prince succeeded in getting a ring on her finger.
After Mircea I's death, princes succeeded one another on the throne with devastating frequency.