In 1571, a mint was built, as was usual in princely residences at the time.
A new princely residence was erected to replace it.
In this same year, expansion work also began on the castle to turn it into a princely residence in the Renaissance style.
Thus the local princely residence was abandoned after 1500.
This fortress was transformed into a princely residence by John, Duke of Berry in 1367.
Sucevița was a princely residence as well as a fortified monastery.
Tellingly, not a single princely residence was ever built in Landour.
In the princely residence, until 1777 there was a court position titled "Heidelberg Water-filler".
Otto continued his father's construction project at Harburg Castle and transformed it into a princely residence.
When completed, Le Mesurier's building was considered a "princely residence".