The Concert's principal accomplishment was the securing of independence of Greece (1830) and Belgium (1831).
The composer's principal accomplishment was in fashioning a score that complemented Shakespeare's words, never letting them undermine the rhythmic and harmonic flow of the music.
The principal legislative accomplishment of his first term was the enactment of a retirement system for teachers.
These are Bremer's principal accomplishments, and he deserves our gratitude for bringing them off.
The principal accomplishment of his first government was the introduction of the principle of secularism.
If it does, the Superfund revisions could become the Clinton Administration's principal legislative accomplishment on the environmental front so far.
Cattell's principal accomplishments were in personality, intelligence, and statistics.
Throughout its existence, the Centre's principal accomplishment has been to create one of the first research groups at York to work in a systematic way with an interdisciplinary focus.
He said two of his principal accomplishments were reducing the expected deficit and opening up 16 new positions as leaders of research groups.
In my view, he deserves it no less than Obama, whose principal accomplishments are still in the future.