"That seems like a perfectly sensible thing to do," said Mr. Gentile's principal accuser, the United States Attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani.
Her principal accuser is a Cameroon businessman, Laurent Yene.
At the attorney general's request, I commuted one death sentence because the defendant's principal accuser later changed his testimony, casting doubt on the defendant's guilt.
Thousands of miles away, Pedro, his younger brother and principal accuser, faced a different battle.
There is testimony by Frank and his principal accuser, Jim Conley, a janitor, and brief arguments by the lawyers; there are even rulings by a judge.
For it was Lady Mishiko who had been ieyasu's principal accuser.
George's principal accuser was his own granddaughter, who was accusing George in order to save her own life.
The boy is unknown but the girl may be Jacobs' servant or a principal accuser Ann Putnam.
He offered to demonstrate to a male reporter how he had acted with his principal accuser and then, when the newsman hesitated, quipped, "Are you afraid of me?"
He was the principal accuser in the plot leading to the imprisonment of Samuel Pepys in 1679.