In 1892 Kahn became a principal associate of the Goudchaux Bank, which was regarded as one of most important financial houses of Europe.
The author became one of Justice Jackson's principal associates after he wrote an impressive memorandum spelling out the goals of Nuremberg.
Since 2004, she has been the principal associate at a business and management consulting firm in the national capital.
The principal associates of the teak are Terminalia tomentosa, Anogeissus latifolica.
His mother is the principal associate in obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard and an immunohematologist in Boston.
His father, a civil engineer, is a principal associate in Manhattan for Parsons Brinckerhoff, the engineering firm.
He also informed me that our principal associate would be another boy whom he introduced by the - to me - extraordinary name of Mealy Potatoes.
The company's stakes in its principal associates, Towngas (38.46%), Miramar.
But the leader, Dusan Spasojevic, and his principal associates remain at large.
Acela Bermudez, the principal administrative associate in the Brooklyn Marriage Bureau, officiated.