A principal basis for the appeal to the Supreme Court was that the special history and function merited special treatment.
More emphasizes on actor/actress as principal basis of performance and on his/her body and bodily presence on the stage.
The new Brock article centers on the same claim that was a principal basis of his attack on Professor Hill.
To be considered influential, information must be based on objective and quantifiable data that constitute a principal basis for substantive policy positions adopted by the Department.
Security is the principal basis for Qatar's strict entry and immigration rules and regulations.
As in the rest of the region of El Condado, the principal basis for cuisine is olive oil, legumes, vegetables and flour.
The principal basis of New Times is, as the name suggests, the idea that the 1980s and 90s represent a significant break with previous history.
It is also the principal basis of the stories used in wayang topeng (masked dance-pantomime).
This approach provides a principal basis for estimating atmospheric CO2 concentrations of the last several tens of million years.
Therefore, toxic nephropathy is considered supportive but is not used as a principal basis for the RfC.