Throughout its 22 year business relationship, Aria remained Matsumoku's principal client.
While the automotive industry is the principal client, firms also service the electronics, household-appliance and medical sectors.
The father had brought him to what is said to be one of the few mental health clinics whose principal clients are Hasidim.
Russia's principal clients for weapons are India and China.
The Roman Catholic Church would remain the firm's principal client until the early 1970s.
On the first point, Lukas sees the loss of his principal client as little more than putting new tires on his training machine.
Hummel seems to have been the best businessman of the lot, but he still had trouble with his principal client, the Scot George Thomson.
In connection with this pledge, transition workers will be required to fill out financial disclosure forms identifying their principal clients.
A principal client was the Conservative party, and one of the firm's best-known ads helped get the Tories into office.
She points out, however, that the principal clients of lawyers are the bourgeoisie, whether as individuals or as corporate bodies.