Tsegaye Kebede and Wesley Korir, runners-up in 2010 and 2011 respectively, were the principal contenders for the men's race.
Event Horizon was currently considering sites for two new cyber-precincts, and Wales, under New Conservative rule, was one of the principal contenders.
The bidding cooled further when the two principal contenders, Reed Elsevier and Thomson, decided to collaborate.
If he can make headway towards restoring a balanced budget, then his claims to be the Right's principal contender for the leadership in the 21st century will be considerably enhanced.
Gemstar is one of three principal contenders in the business of making digital texts secure from piracy and making reading on a screen easy on the eyes.
The indigenous communists in Korea were led by Pak Hon-yong, who emerged as one of the principal contenders for power in Korean communism.
But that ignores the unfairness to voters, who lose the chance to hear the principal contenders offer their views in the context of New York's problems.
The principal contenders in the Napoleonic Wars of 1804-15 found Mexican silver indispensable, thus further expanding New Spain's role in the global economy.
The principal contender for the co-authorship is George Peele.
The principal Democratic contenders in Wisconsin, Mr. Dukakis and Mr. Jackson, were quick to sense the opening.