He was a scholar of commercial law and one of the principal drafters of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Responsibility for an "action" relating to the dissemination of information begins with an "action office," which assigns an "action officer," typically the principal drafter.
He was one of the principal drafters of the Judiciary Act of 1789, which established the federal courts.
The principal drafter of the Bill was barrister John P Byrne.
Humphrey was a principal drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
He was one of the principal drafters of the 1946 law on departmentalizing former colonies, a role for which independentist politicians have often criticized him.
His role was important as was one of the principal drafters of the first edition of the new code.
He was a principal drafter of a United Nations "Statement on Race" in 1949 that incorporated these ideas.
He was one of the principal drafters of Washington Reproductive Privacy Act, enacted by Initiative 120 in 1991.