"Tourism is one of the principal engines of the economy in this region," he said.
In many other countries, small businesses are a principal engine of economic growth.
Darling-Hammond sees teachers as the principal engine for reform, but says nothing about the ways in which teachers' unions have frustrated reformers.
American consumption has been the principal engine of economic growth in the world over the past decade.
Having been the principal engine at Hastings, it has retained that role (and the original number, 3007) in Scotland, where it still runs today.
Cause and effect are the principal engines; trends, categories and inheritance are tools of choice.
The Homestead is the county's principal economic engine and its biggest employer.
The decline was primarily a result of falling new orders, the principal engine of growth in manufacturing.
This, in turn, could trigger recession here as the other principal engines of world growth, West Germany and Japan, are themselves faltering.
It is not, however, a traditional California recovery: this time one of the principal engines of growth is not the aerospace business or housing construction.