From the inception till his retirement in 2006, he remained the principal exponent of Annamacharya Project.
Andújar is one of the principal exponents of Net.
Ian A. Parker (born 1956) is a British psychologist who has been a principal exponent of three quite diverse critical traditions inside the discipline.
In turn, they write more works for the specialist ensembles, whose status as principal exponents of contemporary fare grows.
Dottori was one of the principal exponents of Futurist sacred art.
MLJ would become the principal exponent of teen humor comics.
Narcissism follows ethnicity as night the day, with an artist known as Orlan the principal exponent.
These years saw Smetana's growing recognition as the principal exponent of Czech national music.
He is considered to be one of the principal exponents of the cubism from South America.
Ellsworth was the principal exponent in the Senate of Hamilton's economic program, having served on at least four committees dealing with budgetary issues.