This stress was so pervasive that the making of the film became its own principal influence.
Latitude is the principal influence on Finland's climate.
While most of the pieces date from the 1960's through the 90's, the inclusion of earlier work highlights principal influences and makes specific points.
These are correlated with sexual permissiveness, status of women, and treatment of children as the principal formative social influences.
At least until recently, however, France has remained the principal external influence on postmodernist fiction in Britain.
He was one of the principal influences on the modern style of cryptic crossword.
Her principal influences, she later said, were fairy tales and the Bible.
Her tombstone lies near that of her father who was the principal influence in her life.
Lassus was to be one of the principal influences on the development of his musical style.
Mr. Ryan argues that the formal structure of a company is not a principal influence on a company's performance.