The medal honors principal inventors, innovators, and developers whose contributions resulted in a significant change to the nature of the rubber industry.
Arago's conflict of interest cost Bayard the recognition as one of the principal inventors of photography.
The principal inventor, Dr. Johnson L. Thistle, believes the compound can dissolve most gallstones made of cholesterol, which account for 90 percent of the total.
Its principal inventor was Jack Terry.
In particular, he is the principal inventor of space-time codes.
He is the principal inventor and designer of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Lieber has published over 330 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and he is the principal inventor on more than 35 patents.
She is the principal inventor on two patents for low cost building products and materials.
Reppert has published more than 190 papers with over 21,000 citations and is the principal inventor on seven patents derived from his research.
Ventrella was principal inventor and, with Will Harvey, co-founder of the virtual world There.