All of the principals involved at ground zero, from the politicians to the builders, remain keenly determined to make the Freedom Tower as secure as possible.
The episode turned out to be more alarming than encouraging, although the principals involved didn't indicate any panic.
There were two waiters and the female manager looking on, but they'd obviously decided to leave the business to the principals involved for now.
Privately, some of the principals involved believe Parcells's doubts can be assuaged at a meeting planned for next month, and with some behind-the-scenes lobbying of the Jets' coach.
All the principals involved are trying to avoid a public showdown, and representatives for Warner, Columbia and Mr. Rubin declined to comment.
As the momentum wanes for a quick hostage deal, most of the principals involved have continued to speak in optimistic phrases about ultimately reaching a settlement.
For instance, there are firms or individuals describing themselves as 'chartered accountants' when they are not entitled to do so and where none of the principals involved is qualified to audit.
"Ross Goldstein served time in prison and the principals involved are serving long prison terms, in large part because of him," he said.
The Indianapolis Motor Speedway plays host to its seventh United States Grand Prix on Sunday, and none of the principals involved seem willing to say if there will be an eighth.
The Collegiate group operates in such a way that each school maintains its independence yet they are closely related through the collaborative leadership of the four principals involved and through sharing at all levels including staffing and resources.