British punitive expeditions had been sent against the Mohmands in 1851-1852, 1854, 1864, 1879, 1880, but the principal operations were those of 1897-1898.
They not only knew all the principal operations; in many instances they had helped to arrange them.
The group became a major relief organization with principal operations based in Honduras along the Nicaraguan border.
In a 27-year career at Citicorp, he held senior posts in all three principal operations: consumer, business and investment banking.
Class A battlefields are principal strategic operations having a direct impact on the course of the war.
The principal operation in large eddy simulation is low-pass filtering.
In 1813 he took part in the principal military operations in that country, and in the following year returned with his battalion to London.
Its principal operations are in Fort Worth, where it employs about 20,000.
Attached to the Russian army, he witnessed most of the principal operations, and remained continuously in the field until attacked by fever.
Mostly recently, Tzero, a firm focused on consumer electronics video streaming, halted its principal operations.