For more than 20 years the principal spokesperson for the product was actress June Allyson, who was inspired to educate the public about incontinence because of her own mother's struggle with the problem.
Serves as the principal spokesperson for the Department of Defense and is the sole release authority for official DoD information to news media representatives.
In addition to management responsibilities, the Scout executive is the corporate secretary of the council, and the principal spokesperson to the local communities of the council.
First of all, the Secretary of the Treasury will continue to be the principal economic spokesperson after the President for this Administration, just as it has traditionally occurred.
The Frente's principal spokespersons were Rafael Bernabe and Jorge Farinacci.
NTSB Chairman Debbie Hersman accompanied the team and served as principal spokesperson for the on-scene investigation.
After Bruce Lee's death, he has become the principal spokesperson and historian for Jeet Kune Do.
Trying to explain it, Mr. Clinton said: "First of all the Secretary of the Treasury will be the principal economic spokesperson for the Administration after the President.
In 2007 he was promoted to Brigadier and appointed Director General Public Affairs, the principal spokesperson for the Department of Defence.
This group has chosen the radical Catholic priest Father Conrado Sanjuras as its principal spokesperson for relations with the Electoral Tribunal.