The town's principal thoroughfare and shopping street is the High Street.
This latter is one of the principal thoroughfares of the city, and had been very much crowded during the whole day.
This gently curving road is the principal thoroughfare of the area.
The principal thoroughfare is the east-west Main Street, off which lead half a dozen closes built since the 1950s.
I had chosen my asylum on the very pavement of a great city's principal thoroughfare.
For over two thousand years, the road along the sandbank was the principal thoroughfare leading south from Carrickfergus.
Both received lots along College Avenue, which would become the principal thoroughfare in the new expanded town plan.
It is one of the city's principal thoroughfares and shopping streets.
The town gates were set in the walls where these principal thoroughfares made their exit.
It was the principal thoroughfare for the scattered ranches throughout this part of the East Bay.