The weak dollar was cited as the principal villain, with competition from California wines second, and procymidone third.
She was the principal villain of the series.
Naturally Eddie would have been a part of the story, if not the principal villain.
About a week later, one of the principal villains who had been mentioned was heard to say: "It ruined my mother's Thanksgiving."
Joseon's Minister of State and the series' principal villain.
"The principal villain in this is the mike," Mr. Lawrence said.
Charmed (2004-2005) as recurring special guest star playing the demon Zankou, the principal villain of the shows seventh.
The principal villain in "Mossflower" is the evil female cat Tsarmina.
Once the principal villain was found, so would his tool be.
The party stayed behind the scenes during the coup, but Mr. Yeltsin immediately labeled it one of the principal villains.