Policy and principle demands a single, uniform legal standard for such offences.
He had founded his life on principles, and those principles now demanded loyalty.
But principles had carried Drizzt this far in his travels, and principles demanded that he not be selfish now.
The Global Compact has admitted companies with dubious humanitarian and environmental records in contrast with the principles demanded by the Compact.
In the ports case, the principles of globalization demanded that the Dubai company be allowed to take over the management of the six ports in question.
The people must elect their own leaders; they must be consulted, as the principle of shurah demanded.
But his principles demanded that he challenge the position that $7.1 million was more than $3.1 million.
This principle demands that:
For instance, the guiding principles of the government's "New Localism" demanded levels of efficiency not present in the current over-duplicated two-tier structure.
Even though our statistical analysts say war is still the most likely outcome, our principles demand that we do everything possible to avoid war.