These principles derive from Lodowicke Muggleton, who would have added one other matter as being of equal importance, namely, that God takes no immediate notice of doings in this world.
The basic principle at work here derives directly from Eliot's The Waste Land, a poem that juxtaposes the past with the present to show the continuity of history.
From these examples he claims that all the basic principles of socialist ideology derive from the urge to suppress individuality.
The term and formal principle may have derived from the medieval poetic form, rondeau, which contains repetitions of a couplet separated by longer sections of poetry.
From the reward and punishment of God derives the principle of individual providence.
The first principle derives from Ugunenapsa's insight and understanding of a truth that has always existed.
Rand, too, argued that liberty was a precondition of virtuous conduct, but argued that her non-aggression principle itself derived from a complex set of previous knowledge and values.
The initial principles behind all three Laws derive from universal human morality.
The overriding aim of GATT, and from which the principles described above derive, is the continuing liberalisation of world trade.
As mentioned earlier, the calendar is a precise scientific instrument that utilizes advanced principles of astronomy and mathematics to derive its calculations.