The UP perspective on the way the economy functioned ignored many of the key principles of traditional economic theory.
Most of what's been said reasserts the accepted principles of comparative anatomy and evolutionary theory.
Instead, they have been inspired by a central principle of feminist theory, that gender is not inborn but created, that gender is performance.
This kernel, the active principle of psychoanalytic theory, will not show through unless all the apparent contradictions have found their explanation'.
The principles of phonological theory have also been applied to the analysis of sign languages, although the phonological units do not consist of sounds.
Unlike other keen collectors, there was invariably some principle of theory that the objects he collected were designed to illustrate.
Decorum (from the Latin: "proper, fit, becoming") was a principle of classical rhetoric, poetry and theatrical theory.
Eugenics was based in part on principles of cultural evolutionary theory, though many biologists had long opposed it.
The index uses the principles of modern financial theory to model the underlying behavior of both domestic and foreign investors investing into Vietnam stock market.
At the same time, classroom sessions in the principles of police procedure and theory suffered from a number of problems that limited their success.