As an officer, Waskow proved to be a principled and compassionate leader, giving those under his command individual attention.
By Presidential standards, this boyish adventurer was no mean intellectual, and he still stands as a strong and principled leader.
All who really know this man, including Gov. William Weld, would agree that he is a wise, powerful and principled leader.
"He's a very principled, fair-minded, natural leader," said William Brainard, the current economics chairman.
The Russian people, while extremely weary of politics and elections, are always attracted to principled leaders who have been sacrificed by their bosses.
Mannerheim also doubted that the modern party-based politics would produce principled and high-quality leaders in Finland or elsewhere.
If we want principled leaders, electing more men like Nixon and fewer like Clinton wouldn't seem to be the ticket.
The Conservative Party is committed to the production of principled and profound leaders.
These elements create an environment that develops Darden students into principled and complete leaders who are ready for anything after graduation.
GSPM is dedicated to educating principled leaders who help make democracy work.