People can find "old-style information" like phone numbers online, he said, even as they find e-mail addresses in a low-tech print directory.
The company hired sales people who knew how to effectively take advantage of online capabilities, though that area would not make up for the slowdown for print directories.
It began to convert its print directories into a website and digital directory called Your Personal Network.
The Grantsmart model enabled persons and organizations seeking foundation funding to bypass print directories and use a simple, comprehensive, searchable free database.
As a result most yellow pages publishers have attempted to create online versions of their print directories.
Based in Canada, Sources was founded in 1977 as a print directory for reporters, editors, and story producers.
ThomasNet ceased publishing its print directories in 2006.
But the print directory will still be published and be available free to patients.
"We expect continuing declines in traditional access lines and in advertising from our print directories," AT&T says.
The annual A5-sized, high quality print directory is the superyacht industry's point of reference for contact details of over 12,500 superyacht companies around the world.