His own back catalogue of albums from the 1970's has returned to print for the first time in 20 years.
It was printed for the first time on 22 October 1958; it continues today.
In 1979 a more advanced offset printer allowed colours printing for the first time.
The jungle is not a great place for a darkroom, and most of these images have been printed for the first time.
It is a very old composition, and is now printed for the first time.
But, at the same time, the money that it is using to do this is being printed for the first time.
Under the new charter, the Council will print the budget bill for the first time.
It was printed for the first time between 1474 and 1482, probably at Strasbourg, France.
Melksham News was printed for the first time on 2 April 1981.
It contains 36 plays, 18 of which were printed for the first time.