By doing that now, he was deliberately announcing their engagement as dearly and emphatically as if it had been printed in the Times.
The cast list was printed in The Times, the day after the premiere, and does not include Travers.
It is by reading their published factual descriptions printed in The Times that I understand both the goals and the means involved.
Excerpts were printed in The Times and the Financial Times.
The statement was the last printed in The Times as the Editor then declared that "We can publish no more letters on the subject".
It is difficult to correct a "fact" once it is printed in The Times, but I hope you will try.
When the poem was first printed in The Times on 21 September 1914 the word "condemn" was used.
Spare's obituary printed in The Times of 16 May 1956 states:
As the editor (and owner and publisher) I had complete control over what was printed in the Times.
The article about the circumstances of Kitty's death, printed in The Times two weeks afterward, caused shudders.