In 1779, at 19, he entered the studio of Katsukawa Shunsho (1726-1792), one of the greatest artists of the ukiyo-e prints, inspired by the pleasures of city life - the "floating world."
The only touch of gimmickry was in a print inspired by ceremonial Indian masks.
This print, inspired by a trip to the Pyrenees Mountains, synthesizes humankind with nature.
And because Mr. Gaultier went to Cuba this summer, there were Cuban men's hats and beautiful prints inspired by the colors of Cuba, cut into pretty dresses inset with lace.
White then created small prints inspired by the secrets, and repeated the process, placing the prints in tiny baggies and then encasing them in plaster.
He spoke of the surprisingly bright colors worn by Amish women and, naturally, uses them in the prints inspired by his contacts with the people.
She recalled when, in the mid-1990's, Miuccia Prada unveiled a collection of white-and-chartreuse prints inspired by computer graphics, a notion the designer revisited this season.
Aspects of Lolita (Academy Editions, 1976) contains prints inspired by Vladimir Nabokov's novel, Lolita.
In 2011, the brand launched its first accessories, a range of silk scarves with psychedelic prints inspired by the exotic plants of Kew Gardens.
"In this case he is doing a painting in the scale of a print inspired by his own earlier etchings of two different Abraham stories."