The spokesman did not say any link had been made to General Musharraf's visit, which took place without prior public announcement.
However, RedBedlam shut down the game in January 2011, almost 6 months early, without any prior announcement.
This title was a surprise to many as there were no prior announcements nor any indication that the title was available.
As any prior announcement of their presence was likely to result in drugs being flushed down the toilet, they were authorized to enter by force.
If you find you have to do it, you'll make no prior announcement.
When travelling within the Schengen states, border controls are not being conducted (except under very specific circumstances after prior announcement).
In December 2009, the website closed down without any prior announcement or reasons given.
Iran has so far refused to sign an additional protocol, which would allow the agency's inspectors to visit nuclear sites without prior announcement and take samples.
In light of the prior public announcement made regarding this military training mission, the international uproar that ensued seems rather overdone.
In addition, there was no prior announcement before release to allow users to plan ahead.