From 1946 to 1948 he worked to finish high school, after two prior attempts failed due to his chaotic lifestyle spent among the older students.
However, these prior attempts had been carried out by small banks which lacked the resources to make them work.
Plotting to kill his parents to avenge a prior attempt on his life.
Consider that all prior attempts have been to link people to machines.
The series followed a prior attempt to produce a live-action series which had proved too difficult and expensive.
It was his first success in a ranking event semi-final, after having lost in all five prior attempts.
And it has fought every prior attempt to wrestle it to the ground until now.
The network hopes to succeed at a higher level than prior attempts to service the same demographic because of the commitment from Comcast.
Several prior attempts to introduce raccoons in Germany were not successful.
Historical research had revealed the probability of several prior attempts at transfer contact.