The opponent stumbles and lands on one or both hands without any significant prior contact with the winning wrestler (hand touch down).
Carne Beacon also attracts visitors as its open to the public with prior contact.
No contraband was found on the women, none of whom had any prior contact with the police, the suit said.
That could be good for her, or bad, depending on the nature of the prior contact.
While you're there, check out the other agents, see if any of them had had prior contact with Harlan.
In theory, a transformative justice model can apply even between peoples with no prior contact.
But Walter had noted the license tag, and recognized the man from the prior contact; that sufficed.
By making this a capital crime, the Spanish were admitting tacitly that there had indeed been prior contact.
You must be known to such individuals personally through prior contact.
This, however, may not be necessary for care; in fact current technologies permit with no prior or concurrent contact.