Athlete performance in the prior four events determines the times in which they start the race.
Therefore a perfect replay of prior events wasn't possible, with his interference.
Simply predicting a subsequent event given the prior event will be successful about 5% of the time.
Memory for prior events influence how people think about themselves.
It is essential, therefore, that we have a clear understanding of what these prior conditions and prior events are.
With no prior event of a dirty bomb detonation, it is considered difficult to predict the impact.
If the pain is compared to a prior event, the nature of that event may be a follow-up question.
He is currently working with the police force after prior events 10 years ago from Persona 3.
This can be considered a convenient method to evoke prior event(s) along with visual imagery.
This is not the first time such an incident has occurred, with prior minor events occurring throughout 2003 to 2008.