If there's anything in reincarnation, he must have been a Chinese laundryman in a prior existence.
The prior existence of a "preprint culture" in high-energy physics is one major reason why arXiv has been successful.
Speaking of your prior existence, did you call your wife about that little matter you discussed with me?
Something glimmered in his mind, almost like a memory from a prior existence.
If she had a delusional system, it was focused solely on the prior existence of Mercier.
Landforms in the crater provide strong evidence of the prior existence of flowing water on Mars.
However, his prior existence in the original universe is unaltered.
Not much was known about him amongst themselves, he pretty much kept his prior existence concealed from everyone, and for a good reason.
Maybe his obscure research in his prior existence could benefit him now.
The prior existence of the Construction Set, however, meant that the team "already had the tools in place to add content and features very quickly."