Pacepa exceeds all prior expectations in this regard.
He had no prior expectations of Olivia.
Although I don't expect you to believe it, in fact, we rescued you without any prior expectations.
For the year, the company now expects earnings of $2.65 to $2.70 a share, up from $1.82 last year but below analysts' prior expectations of $3.01.
He needed something that would let his mind work spontaneously, without prior expectations.
As the Games began, air quality in Beijing improved significantly against prior expectations.
Pictorial space defines itself in its own terms, not by external rules or prior expectations.
Attributional processing, however, seems to only occur when the event is unexpected or conflicting with prior expectations.
This assessment depends on prior expectations of overall quality compared to the actual performance received.
Because at least one parent usually has a hearing loss, there is prior expectation that the child may have a hearing loss.