They would be screened for prior violent or drug-sale felonies, sexual offenses and histories of absconding.
Carlos Jimenez was convicted of burglary and, due to a prior felony, received an enhanced sentence of forty-three years in prison.
He is arrested by Detective Hauk, when the Barksdale investigation comes to an end, and is sentenced to fifteen years due to prior felonies.
Mr. Ewing's prior felonies, a burglary and a robbery, could be the basis for a "reasonable enhancement" to what would ordinarily be at most a four-year sentence for stealing the golf clubs, he said.
Wallace, who was out on parole for a prior felony, said he shot the adults because they could identify him.
Not only did the DNA match that of Robert Medina, a 24-year-old with prior felony convictions, the police said, but it also matched DNA found at four other burglaries.
At trial, he asked the court to order the prosecution to refrain from mentioning any fact surrounding the prior felony that made him a prohibited possessor of a firearm.
The fact of the matter is that this waste of space had far more serious prior felonies that made him eligible for an 'out.'
One had the body of a weight lifter, possibly because he'd spent two years upstate on a prior felony.