Cassie flushed to remember her prior opinion.
Waxman responded to a question from Alito by saying he found one of Alito's prior opinions (when he was on a lower court) "particularly persuasive."
In October of 2011, however, the 7th Circuit agreed to rehear the case en banc, vacating the prior opinion.
On remand the Tenth Circuit reinstated its prior opinion in full, holding that the recent Supreme Court decisions did not dictate a different outcome.
In a prior opinion, the court had said its rulings on life supports did not apply to those who were not expected to die in a year.
Though his tenure had been brief, it had made a lasting impression on Klag, whose prior opinion of humans was low, to say the least.
I think it's fair to say, in the prior opinions, those are not determinative in the sense that the precedent turned entirely on foreign law.
Two groups of subjects showed attitude polarization; those with strong prior opinions and those who were politically knowledgeable.
Again, Thomas wrote a short dissent reiterating his position and this time including Buckeye Check among his prior opinions to this effect.
The lines of authority and the prior legal opinions blurred.