Heris had to admire the tactic, and the way in which they passed the turn without any prior planning.
Unanticipated factors and the general mobility of our society create numerous circumstances under which students must move from one institution to another without prior planning.
And, hey, at this picnic you can pop inside for whatever you desire without any prior planning.
Strategic tutors do more prior planning, including determining the number of learners per group and membership.
But that scenario requires either two persons, with prior planning, or one spontaneous murderer who moved very quickly.
Unlike contraceptives, abortion did not need any prior planning and was less expensive.
Some broadcasts have hinted at prior planning of the segment.
However, the damage that such storms cause can certainly be reduced with better prior planning.
Much of the committee's most demanding oversight will be, by definition, event-driven and not subject to prior planning.
Curiously enough, the certainty that events would turn out much differently than any prior planning could anticipate didn't bother him.