But if there is no prior understanding of the data, the simplest function to fit is a straight line and thus this is the "default".
There is no narrative thread to the episodes, each standing on its own without the need for prior understanding or any loose ends at the end.
But that duty is of course dependent on a prior understanding of which institutions are just.
Without a prior understanding of the greater context surrounding the letters, their content may be mis-interpreted.
This involves understanding the nature of the relationship between a child's prior understanding of a word and its subsequent use in production.
Problem solving is used as a means to build new mathematical knowledge, typically by building on students' prior understandings.
Ms. Arker's mother gave out her phone number without asking first, but she and her daughter had a prior understanding.
While many accepted the doctrine, others regarded it as misguided, or interpreted to adhere to their prior understanding.
We did not simply bow to the fact that there was already a prior understanding between the Commission and the Council.
This book approaches electrical engineering and signal integrity principles from a basic level, assuming little prior understanding.