Condemned prisoners were held in a section of the prison called "The Pot".
They were held for 20 days in one of the unofficial prisons, called Al Nosour.
Coll is imprisoned in a prison called Southwatch and is trying to figure out a way to escape.
During the 1980s, there were allegations about the existence of a prison called Tazmamart.
Only the old prison called Lunette did not meet today's standards and has closed in 2008.
Some convicted men went over the wall and the judge, who was born in that very prison, called for an improvement in security at the prison.
At night the slaves were put into prisons called 'bagnios that were often hot and overcrowded.
Those who were convicted of treason were taken to a top-secret prison called S-21.
God sent the bad demons into a prison called Hell and they could not see God now for the punishment.
But such figures do not include hundreds, possibly thousands, who have been sentenced administratively to up to three years in special prisons called re-education centers.