William Palmer was buried beside the prison chapel in a grave filled with quicklime.
There was no prison chapel but a Catholic priest resided in the garrison barracks.
The Muslims tried to crush their way into the inmate's closed cell after returning from a prayer service at the prison chapel, the officials said.
The church was then converted to a prison chapel and law courts in the late 1850s.
The wedding is held inside the prison chapel but Fiz can't go through with the ceremony.
Stere agreed, and they were married in the prison chapel (1885).
In 1889-1890 he visited Lipetsk and completed there two schools, a hospital and a prison chapel - at the age of 23.
Father Alexis who witnessed the execution spoke after to his friends in the prison chapel.
During this time she and Jim reconcile and remarry in the prison chapel.
He was showing them the card tricks he learned while being held hostage in the prison chapel.