In late 2007, a pair of prison escapees were last spotted near the ranges and the police were actively looking for them.
A prison escapee has "love" tatooed on his left hand.
He had once engaged police in a machinegun battle, was a prison escapee, armed and considered extremely dangerous.
As a prison escapee, he wrote to expose the realities of prison slavery.
Counterfeiters, tax evaders, prison escapees, and other criminals are targeted.
The dogs are used by local law enforcement for tracking prison escapees, criminal suspects and missing persons.
So he wasn't a garden variety criminal or prison escapee.
That skill has been transferred over the centuries to help humans find prison escapees, game, bombs, drugs, avalanche victims and more.
What if someone hadn't decided to step outside and empty the cat-litter box at the very moment a prison escapee was nearing the house?
It was not such a hard question, unless of course he was a prison escapee.