The prison release appears to have been an attempt, late in the day, to show that Mr. Hussein himself is capable of reform.
After already waiting five years already though, we'd prefer producers just hold out two more for Snipes' prison release.
Then the parole board must set the actual date of prison release, and the standards that the parolee must follow.
But, Pickett added, even official prison releases are sometimes imperfect.
Before an offender's prison release, a committee comprising officials from state agencies reviews the inmate's record and psychological reports.
Shortly after his prison release, John died.
After his prison release, little is known on Matthias.
Byrd and his family then offered to be Brown's sponsors for an early prison release.
Not long after his prison release, he died in Paris, broken in health and fortune.
I don't go along with his stands on the pledge of allegiance, abortion, drugs and prison release.