But the commission specified that judges use discretion in deciding which convicts will pay for their prison stay.
He said in a recent interview that he had not been embittered at any time during his prison stay.
After finding the pornography and the list of children, corrections officials brought him up on disciplinary charges, seeking to extend his prison stay.
Although Paycheck suffered from drug and alcohol addiction during his career, he later was said to have "put his life in order" after his prison stay.
The subject of Ms. Stewart's prison stay came and went quickly - "I made their days brighter," she said.
This led him to a series of arrests, prison stays, and homeless periods.
Two years later, continued political changes resulted in a prison stay of 8 years, with his release in 1106.
The most unbearable part of her nearly 11-month prison stay was the pandemonium, she said.
One presumes that he had no access to young boys during his prison stay.
Otis believed she sent him some $6,000 during his prison stay.