Most likely, grass conjures up images of pristine lawns of Bermuda or Kentucky bluegrass with perfectly edged borders.
They can be comforted by the fact that underneath it all are a pristine lawn and a beautiful flowering-to-be.
But wait - no, it can't be - what are those brand-new virulently purple flamingos doing on your neighbor's previously pristine lawn?
He added: "You can point your finger at the people who want to have pristine lawns and pristine driveways.
Dead invaders lay strewn across the once pristine lawn.
He keeps the light and obsesses about his pristine lawn while the sea rages and monsters surface.
Then there was a Chappaqua resident who grew a swamp in the middle of 12 acres of pristine lawn, to the chagrin of neighbors.
Jezzie Flanagan took the shortcut across a pristine lawn that was lightly coated with frost.
Lorraine has earned a reputation for high end homes with pristine lawns.
But if you value a stretch of pristine lawn, be careful where these delightful little plants are set out.