There is this general fear that foreigners have come and somehow undermined the pristine quality of Indian culture.
The pristine quality is enhanced by the utter absence of the special effects audiences now take for granted.
They have the quality of blue ice, pristine and cool.
That means everything is of pristine quality, but is rarely made the same way twice.
The pristine quality of the show and its emblematic nature are characteristic of the director's work on stage.
Under deep snow the wooden steps built to control erosion disappear, and the hill once again takes on its pristine quality.
But top older titles require more than pristine quality.
Whether you speak Japanese or not, sushi of pristine quality is what you'll get here.
There's a pristine quality to it, almost a futuristic look.
Sushi of pristine quality is what you can count on here, whether you speak Japanese or not.