From what I'd read in the newspapers, it wouldn't be long before they both came crashing down, taking a huge chunk of the firm's pristine reputation with them.
"The once pristine reputation was tarnished by scandal, burdened and weakened by disengaged leadership."
Only those teachers of rhetoric with pristine reputations and a proper clientele have been permitted to stay.
But the same silky style that threatens to stain his pristine reputation at home serves him well as a global schmoozer.
Jeter has worked carefully to establish a pristine reputation with the Yankees.
But, in the interest of the Faire's pristine reputation, I'll get out of the way before I look for it.
If a player with a pristine reputation was approaching a major milestone, would Selig have altered his schedule to attend?
Therefore, she did not have a pristine reputation to maintain.
It seems the regents met last night to discuss the potential threat to Farber's pristine reputation.
They'd let a lone woman starve to death before they'd sully their pristine reputations.