The houses, no longer a private enclave, have since been declared historic landmarks.
This has led to private enclaves built at the waterfront, many with gates, fences and guard houses.
To wear shorts, you must already have worn them, secretly perhaps, in some private enclave for the leg-ashamed.
As density increases everyone wants to feel like they're in their own private enclave.
I left the sword in your private enclave in the Keep.
You said you got into the First Wizard's private enclave?
There were perhaps 40 guests and 20 staff members, which makes it seem like everyone's private enclave.
Union leaders and others have long complained that the overlapping has resulted in a private enclave of officials who are not accountable to taxpayers.
I found it in a book in the First Wizard's private enclave.
The first phase of the projects features 12 lakefront cottages in an exclusive and private enclave.