The Cortes also enacted an agrarian reform program, under which large private landholdings (latifundia) were to be confiscated and distributed among the rural poor.
The result afterwards was the breakup of most large private landholdings to be redistributed, especially under a system of common tenancy called ejidos.
One significant domestic policy was land reform, with land largely from expropriated private landholdings redistributed to around 200,000 families.
There are a handful of private landholdings on the eastern shore of the island.
This land grant was one of the largest contiguous private landholdings in the history of the United States.
The Precinct is a patchwork of public and private small landholdings with limited existing public use.
The land preserved by the park is not all contiguous and numerous private landholdings and roads run through the park area.
On the NSW side of the border it is bounded by private landholdings.
There are still some private landholdings in the area.
However, the state only allowed private landholdings because the idea of collectivized farming had met with much opposition.