Inequities in the system of private penance existed.
In the monasteries, a penitential tax or private penance was developed which was less strenuous than the public penances.
"Or shall I summon the Mistress of Novices so these sisters can witness your 'private' penance?"
Do you remember how many times you had Silviana come to give me private penance?
He will not deny that private penance may suffice; but even here outward manifestation, such as change of dress, is desirable.
The Emperor remained motionless, as he did under his own many private penances.
This brotherhood's image of the captive Christ is usually escorted by a sizable number of street-dressed women undertaking private penance.
The woman had begged for release from taking private penances from the Mistress of Novices.
The private penance of those who feared they were not humble enough.
Elaida seemed fiercer than ever since she began summoning Silviana for her own supposedly private penances.